Yesterday is the most wonderful day in my life for 2005. I met my ex-shoolmates which I didn't saw him for a such long time( 9 years I guess). There's a lot of things we share. A first I kinda refuse to meet him since I have work to do , backup some data but then I just left my work and meet him. He's one of my best friends in school.
We met at KLCC around 8.00 pm, just after we met we have a dinner at KLCC foodcourt, we have share a wonderful experinces, memories, and etc. What a wonderful dinner. I can talk to him any topics without boundaries . Since both of us Sarawakian nobodies know what the hell we talking about. Hahahaha....
Then after the dinner we book a movie ticket ( AEON FLUX) at TGV KLCC. At ticket caunter we met Anuar Zain. He want to take picture with Anuar but I told him it is 'kolot' thing if he do that hahahaha kus....kus. Before the movie start we take a cup of coffee at Gloria's Jean. On the way to Gloria's Jean he suddenly stop at Chinoz and say hello to somebody. Then he introduce me to that person which is 'Mat Salleh' his ex-colleague but I cann't remember his friend's name. He has a chat with that person. Then we have coffee at Gloria's Jean.
Sharp 850 pm we go to the cinema. Before the show we have a little chat .....hahaha this is fun part I asked him what is the first movie that he watch in cinema. He told me "POWER RANGER" ohhhhhhhh goesssssss.........then we laugh together. Suddenly the person who seat next to me come I know that person it my ex-college, but I cant remember his name. Interestingly my ex-college is Anuar's friend. Thank again to God that I made a good decission not to take Anuar pic with Kus... Then I have a little chat with my ex-college.
I dont know what I cant tell about that movie. It quite interesting but sometimes I cant understand what the story all about but once again I enjoy...Then after the movie finish we just walking by to Hotel Istana. At the hotel we have once again a good chat until 230 am. I felt so tired...sleep...zzzZZZZZZZZ
On the morning which is today once again I have a breakfastwith him at Hotel Istana and all sponsor by him , what a good friend... I am so terharu with him, it suppose me to treat him like that since he came to my place but...
Oklah kus thanks u for everything ... I am very appreciate it...
Sik sabar maok temu agik...
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